Thursday, February 21, 2019

Hi! These are the following details for this friday, 22nd of February.

Sec 1s and 5s: There will be no training this Friday. Please enjoy your weekends and take this day to rest!

Sec 2s and 3s: ASTC
  1. You will be dismissed at 1145, to eat lunch and change into PT-kit.
  2. From 1215, the NP room will be open for you to store your school bags.
  3. Ensure that you pack your school bag and camp bag properly before you come to school.
  4. Check your camp bag the night before for the items in your kit list.
  5. Fall in by 1230 at the foyer with your camp bags and water bottles filled. 

Sec 4s: AA training 
Attire: Half U
Time: 1400-1800
Reporting time: 1345
Please ensure that uniform is up to standards and water bottles are filled. 

Thank you and wishing you a fruitful friday!

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