Wednesday, July 11, 2012

E-learning for Tent Pitching [Sec 2s and 3s]

Hi Sec 2s and 3s,

As you all know you all will be going for your Adventure Training Camp(ATC)/Survival Training Camp(STC) this Friday at Pulau Ubin.
Here are some materials for you to recap for Tent Pitching.

Materials needed to Pitch a Tent
Vertical pole

Horizontal pole

Ground sheet

Inner sheet

Outer sheet

 Extra peg to be the mallet
1.5m Twine
Corner and side guyline
2.5m Twine
Main guyline

Procedures for Tent Pitching
  1. Assemble the horizontal pole and vertical poles together.
  2. Put the Inner sheet onto the horizontal pole and insert the pins of the vertical poles through the sleeve ring.
  3. Tie one end of the twine with bowline to the sleeve rings at the corner of the inner sheet.
  4. Check that the pegs, the corner of the inner sheet and the middle of the horizontal pole are in a straight line.
  5. From the corner of the tent, form a ‘L’ shape and peg in the first peg.
  6. Hammer at least half of the pegs 45° into the ground.
  7. Tie all the four guylines to the pegs with tent-guy loop at the same time or at least the two diagonal pairs should do it together. Also ensure that the wall flap is just above ground.
  8. Tie the two side guylines after the corner guylines have been secured and make sure that the three pegs on each side are in a straight line.
  9. Tie the two main guylines to the pins on the vertical pole using clove hitch and also tie the other end to the pegs at about the length of the vertical pole away from the bottom of the vertical pole using tent-guy loop.
  10. Put the Outer sheet onto the horizontal pole and insert the pins on the vertical poles through the sleeve ring.
  11. Repeat the procedure 3 to 8 for the outer sheet.
  12. Roll the window flaps neatly and tie them up. Tidy up all the loose ends properly.
  13. Unfold the ground sheet and lay it flat inside the tent. If the ground sheet has any overlying area, fold it neatly underneath the ground sheet.

Peg 45° into the ground

Tent view from top

Layout of Pegs (click on the image above for larger image)

If you are unsure of how to tie a bowline and/or slip knot, you may watch the video below:
(You can practice with your shoe laces if you do not have any twine/rope at home)

Video on how to tie a Bowline

Video on how to tie a Slip Knot

That's all folks!

Sec 2s and 3s you will have to bring an additional day pack for your ATC/STC.
Sec 3s you no longer have to bring white long sleeve shirt for STC anymore.

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