Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cadets taking SSGT Promotion Test:
1. SSGT Promotion Test comprises of:
- CampCraft Assignment 
- NPCC Knowledge Test 

- Drill (Theory) Test
- CampCraft (Theory) Test
- Advance Drills (MOI)
- Cane Drills
- Planning of Muster Parade (Theory)
- Conducting of Muster Parade

2. You are to submit your CampCraft Assignment on 16/11, Friday between 1130 - 1200Hrs.

3. You are STRONGLY ADVISED to read up your CL's Course Manual and go onto NPCC Official Website:

4. You are STRONGLY ADVISED to clarify your doubts ASAP. Questions after 14/11/2012, 2359Hrs will not be entertained. SMS all questions to me @ 81981356.

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