Wednesday, November 7, 2012

To all Cadets:

1. Cadets who are eligible and down for CPL Promotion Retest on the 16/11: Ryan and Christine Goh.
2. Cadets who are eligible and down for SGT Promotion Retest on the 16/11: Shazana, Mei Ling, Zi Lin and Lian Huat.
3. Cadets who are eligible and down for SSGT Test on the 16/11: Zhen Dong, Edmund Chan, Tan Wei Lun, Benjamin, Jordan, Nicholas and Si Yuan. 
4. Cadets who are eligible and down for Total Defence (Bronze) Retest on the 09/11: Jian Xun and Jerome.
5. Cadets who are eligible and down for Crime Prevention Retest on the 09/11: Anita.

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