Monday, June 10, 2013

Beatty NPCC Annual Chalet 2013

Hello Everybody!

Here's a quick reminder that we'll be having our CHALET this coming june!

Here's some quick information for you:

When : 29th June 2013, Sat.
Time : 12nn - 11pm.
Where : Aloha Loyang, Seaview Bungalow 2. (Map above)
Wear : Home clothes! (Theme to be decided later) :)
Bring : Yourself and water bottle if you have to! 

If you have any question with regarding to the chalet, please do not hesitate to contact myself @ 92700661.

You will be doing a little of running around plus dinner is provided! 

Hope to see you there! 


**Note: This is not an official NPCC event and you should not hold Beatty NPCC responsible in the event of any mishap.

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