Monday, June 3, 2013

Inter Unit Drill Competition

The following cadets will be involved in the Inter Unit Drill Competition held by NPCC HQ:
  1. Bobby Chan
  2. Tasha Ng
  3. Tomohiko Sugimura
  4. Wu Wei Ting
  5. Xu Lu
  6. Chan Kah Kit
  7. Chen Mei Qi
  8. Goh Meng Huang
  9. Calvin Seow
  10. Ryan Ho
  11. Gary Lew
  12. Tan Yi Ling
  13. Chua May Ling
  14. Tong Su Yin
  15. William Tay
  16. Puteri Lydia Shimin
  17. Yeo Yang
  18. Kasturi
  19. Sharmaliswari

Training Schedule

Tuesday, 11th June
9am – 6pm
Half Uniform
Red Patch [ISH]
Monday, 24th June
3pm – 6.30pm
Full Uniform
Red Patch [ISH]
Wednesday, 3rd July
3pm – 6.30pm
Full Uniform
Red Patch [ISH]
Friday, 5th July
2pm – 6.30pm
Full Uniform
Red Patch [ISH]
Wednesday, 10th July
3pm – 6.30pm
Full Uniform
Red Patch [ISH]
*Venues that are in bracket form [ ] are venues during wet weather.
**You are to bring along your PT - Kit for all trainings.
***Please ensure that your Attire/Uniform is in tip top condition before attending the training.
****For Tuesday, 11th June training, do bring along sufficient money for you to have your lunch.

Thank you and see you all during the training!

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