Sunday, June 30, 2013

Unit Quiz on 5/7/2013

Hi Cadets!!!
How much do you really know about NPCC???
If not, here's what you should do! You should start doing some research on the following topics...

1. NPCC Knowledge: Anti Drug Abuse (aka. SANA), Adventure Training Camp (ATC), Community Safety and Security Programme (CSSP), Police Youth Ambassador (PYA), Crime Prevention, Campcraft, NPCC Camp Resilience @ Pulau Ubin, Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), Drills and Parades, First Aid, High Ropes Challenge (HRC), Home Front Security (HFS), Police Knowledge (PK) 1 and 2, Revolver Shooting, Total Defence (TD).

2. NPCC History, Organisation and Structure.

3. Singapore Police Force History, Organisation, Structure and Functions.

4. History and Current Affairs of Singapore.

Do note: We will be conducting a 1hour short quiz on the above topics to kick start our new semester!!! Do remember to study hard for it as it will account to your promotion test at the end of Term 3 too.


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